Monday, May 26, 2008

10 Ways to Jump-Start a Fast Weight Loss Program

If you want to lose weight fast, there are a few "tricks" you can use to really jump-start your progress. They're relatively simple to implement but, in combination, they can have a huge impact on the way you look and feel.

Here are 10 of the most powerful ways to jump-start weight loss and lose several pounds of fat relatively quickly...

1. Set specific fitness goals and create a detailed, step-by-step "plan of attack" for fast results.

2. Eliminate all grain products from your diet, at least for the first 2-3 weeks.

3. Eliminate all refined sugars, refined fats (e.g. trans fatty acids), and most saturated fat from your diet.

4. Cut most dairy products from your diet, at least for the first 2-3 weeks. An occasional serving of low-sugar/sugar-free yogurt (containing beneficial live active cultures) is ok.

5. Include a source of quality protein in every meal and snack.

6. Get 90-100% of your calories from whole, unprocessed foods. Some of the best options are lean meats (and other natural proteins), fish/seafood, vegetables, raw fruits, nuts, seeds, beans/legumes, and sweet potatoes.

7. Get 90% of your fat calories from good fats, such as fish and fish oil, virgin olive oil, avocado, nut butters, etc.

8. Cut most alcohol from your diet. An occasional glass of red wine with dinner is ok.

9. Cycle your starchy carbs to keep your metabolism off balance and burning fat. For example, eat no starches for 3 days, then on day 4 eat several servings of healthy starches. Then repeat this cycle for several weeks. Some of the best starchy carbohydrates are: beans, peas, sweet potatoes, and bananas. If you must eat grains, the best choices are oatmeal, quinoa, and whole-grain brown rice.

10. Take supplements that are proven to assist in fast, healthy weight loss: whey protein, omega 3 fats, and multivitamins. If you desire more energy and increased fat-burning, consider taking a quality "fat burner" supplement 30 minutes before your workouts.


Seven Ways to Jump-Start Your Diet

Saturday, May 24, 2008

3 Ways to Jump Start Your Metabolism in the Morning

When fast fitness results are you goal, you need to take advantage of every possible opportunity to get your metabolism "revved up" and burning as much body fat as possible. Mornings are especially important times to kick your body's fat-burning processes into gear so that you lose more weight throughout the day.

Your goal most mornings should be to wake up after getting at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep and stimulate your slowed metabolism by doing the following things:

1. Drink a few cups of green tea or yerba mate. This will give you a "healthy" caffeine boost that'll increase your mental and physical energy, improve motivation, and help to wake up your metabolism. If you exercise in the morning, a few cups of pre-workout green tea can really help to increase fat-burning.

I personally prefer to drink about 2 cups of green tea and then 2-3 cups of yerba mate, both sweetened with stevia powder, a healthy sugar alternative. The green tea give you a nice caffeine boost while the yerba mate can help maintain high energy levels -- without the "jittery" feelings of caffeine/coffee -- throughout the morning.

2. Do a light workout. Mornings are a great time to do a light, "invigorating" workout that both burns fat and boosts your energy for the rest of the day. There is some evidence that working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach forces your body to use its stored energy -- mainly from body fat -- to fuel the workout.

A good morning workout can be fast and simple. A light 5 to 10-minute jog followed by a circuit training style bodyweight workout involving things like pushups, pullups, squats, burpees, and crunches -- lasting just 20 minutes or so -- is a great example of effective morning exercise.

3. Eat a protein-rich breakfast. Eating a good, protein-rich breakfast is ultra-important for stimulating the metabolism. As its name suggests, the breakfast meal helps to "break the fast" you've been on since that last time you ate... probably 9-12 hours before waking.

A high-protein breakfast with some good complex carbs and a small amount of fat will help to boost your metabolism and also maintain high energy levels throughout the day. Eating breakfast is also proven to help reduce hunger and food cravings later in the day greatly!

Learn more:

How to Increase Your Metabolism

Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 Things in Processed Foods That Make You Fat

There are 4 things found in almost all processed foods that make you fat, kill your energy levels, and also damage your overall health... both short-term and long-term. One recent article called them a "recipe for disaster."

If you want to lose weight quickly and build a fitter, better-looking, and healthier body they must all be avoided. The "big 4 ingredients that make you fat" include:
  1. Refined Sugars
  2. Refined Grains
  3. Trans Fatty Acids
  4. Salt
Obviously, the easiest way to avoid these dangerous ingredients is to stop eating packaged and processed foods! Base your diet around lean protein and natural, unprocessed plant foods like nuts, seeds, veggies, and fruits. You'll feel better, look better, and probably live longer!

5 Things Anyone Can Do to Lose Weight Faster

Are you trying to lose weight fast? It's important to attack your extra body fat from many angles. Give the following tips a try and you'll build a leaner, healthier body in less time...

1. Set goals and visualize success. Creating a list of goals with a deadline is a proven way to speed up results in any endeavor. Also, the the power of visualization to help focus your thoughts and actions for much faster fat loss progress.

2. Boost your energy naturally. Energy is everything when it comes to fast fitness results. Use these proven techniques to boost your energy, speed up your metabolism, and improve your overall health:

-- Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night
-- Avoid refined sugars, processed junk foods, and alcohol
-- Surround yourself with positive images and positive people
-- Drink green tea and yerba mate for a healthy & natural energy boost (and increased fat burning!)

3. Eat like a caveman. One of the fastest ways to lose weight healthily is to cut out all refined and processed foods from your diet and focus on eating a paleo or "caveman"-like diet. This basically involves eating only lean meats (or other lean proteins), fish/seafood, vegetables, raw fruits, nuts, seeds, some tubers, and healthy fats from avocado, olive oil, nut oils, etc. These are the foods our bodies are designed to consume and process. They make losing weight much, much faster and easier!

4. Do high-intensity exercise. Brief (20-45 min), high-intensity workouts, done 3-5 times a week, are one of the most effective ways to lose body fat quickly. They burn a ton of calories, boost the metabolism for hours after you've finished exercising, stimulate the production of powerful fat-burning, muscle-building hormones, and are more fun to do than typical long/slow cardio. They're also less likely to leave you over-trained or feeling "burnt out."

A great example of this type of exercise is HIIT training.

5. Take the right supplements. Of all the supplements on the market, only a handful have actually been shown to improve fat loss and fitness results. Three of the best, most-proven supplements for faster, healthier weight loss are:

-- Whey Protein
-- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
-- A Quality Multivitamin

You should consider making these relatively inexpensive supplements part of your daily training regimen.

Welcome to the Fit Faster Blog!

This blog is all about getting fit and losing weight faster. We all want a great-looking, healthy body... but very few of us have it. One of the goals of this site is to provide useful, "straight to the point" information about burning off extra body fat while building and toning muscle... all at the same time, in a healthy way, and as fast as possible!

Some of the topics that'll be covered here include:

- Dieting for fast fat loss
- Exercising to burn fat and build/tone muscle simultaneously
- Boosting energy in order to get better results in less time
- Developing strong momentum to reach goal faster
- Taking the right supplements to speed up weight loss progress

Please be sure to leave your own tips and comments in the area at the bottom of each page. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!
